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Mountain Sunday Service

Welcome to Grace Baptist Church, a community of believers in Christ Jesus committed to authentically following our Risen Lord and Savior. We strive to honor God’s glory above all else, placing His truth and love at the center of everything we do. Our church desires to be a family of faith rooted in God’s Word, rather than personal preferences, traditions, or cultural influences. We invite you to join us as we seek to grow together in faith, worship, and fellowship, living out the calling of Christ in our daily lives.
Latest News

Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal
Join with us on Wednesdays at 5pm for our weekly Fellowship Meal!
The meal for Wednesday, March 5 will be chicken & rice, broccoli salad, chicken nuggets, macaroni & cheese, and assorted desserts.

Red Cross Blood Drive
Help ensure that life-saving blood is available for those in need by donating!
Grace Baptist Church will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive on Tuesday, March 25th from 1pm-6pm.
During the month of March, the Red Cross will expand its health offerings to include hemoglobin A1C screening for all donors who make a successful blood, platelets or plasma donation.
Click the link below to sign up for your donation time slot.

Our Homeschool Ministry and Wednesday Night Fellowship, Awana and Youth Ministries are underway. Join us!

Deepen Your Faith Through Study and Fellowship
Explore God’s Word in our engaging Bible study groups designed to help you grow spiritually and connect with others.
- AWANA Mamas is for women of all ages. This year the class will work through a video-based study entitled “Nothing Wasted: God Uses the Stuff You Wouldn’t.” Join with other women and dig into Scripture to see how God works through circumstances in our lives for His Glory and our good. AWANA Mamas meets Wednesday Nights at 6 pm in the Children’s Church Room.
- Sojourners is a co-ed, multigenerational class, led by Pastor Mark. Currently, this class is studying Religions of the World. Sojourners meets on Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm in the Fellowship Hall.